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Family Childcare Home


Choosing a quality childcare provider is one of the most important decisions a parent will ever make. It can also prove to be one of the most difficult decisions to make. We encourage families to be fully informed about their options. To choose child care wisely you need an awareness of what quality child care is, how to recognize it, and how to find it.


Why family childcare?

Low provider/teacher to child ratio

Personable family & provider relationship
No turn overrate 

Mixed age group
One-on-one focused learning
Curriculum is geared toward each individual child needs
We make sure your little one is ready for Kindergarten


What is a family childcare home? 

A Family childcare “home” are defined 290-2-3-.03(g) “Family Child Care Learning Home” and “Home” means a private residence operated by any person who receives therein for pay for supervision and care for fewer than 24 hours per day, without transfer of legal custody, at least three but not more than six children under 13 years of age who are not related to such person(s) and whose Parent(s) are not residents in the same private residence as the provider and which is required to be licensed.

What does it mean to be registered as a family day care provider?

Georgia law requires a person providing family child care for pay for three to six children who are not related to the child care provider and who are not members of the provider’s household, to be registered under the procedures established by the Official Code of Georgia Annotated (O.C.G.A.) Sec.49-5-1 et seq. Bright from the Start: Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning registers and monitors family child care providers under the Rules and Regulations for Family Child Care Learning Homes Chapter 290- 2-3. A licensing system that has been established by Bright from the Start enables family child care learning homes to come into compliance with the Family Child Care Rules and Regulations. A provider checks his/her home for compliance and certifies that he/she will maintain compliance with the Rules and Regulations for Family Child Care Learning Homes. The provider, all other adults who live in the home, and any other adult who assists the provider must undergo a criminal background check. A License is then issued by Bright from the Start. The provider is required to re-register annually.


What are the rules for family child care?

The rules and regulations cover such areas as the provider’s training and qualifications, admission of the children to the home, health and safety, nutrition and food service, program and activities, building and equipment. The family child care provider will have a copy of the Rules and Regulations for Family Child Care Learning Homes for you to view upon request. You may also view the Family Child Care Learning Home Rules and Regulations by visiting their website at


​Selecting a family child care learning home for your child

  1. You have talked personally with the provider and you are satisfied that the way he/she cares for children fits in with your beliefs about child care.

  2. The home is a pleasant place where spending the day would be comfortable and fun.

  3. The home has roomy and safe places for the children to play, both inside and outdoors.

  4. There are enough toys and equipment for children to have choices and activities are provided for the children to have an    opportunity to learn from a variety of items.

  5. Well-balanced meals and snacks are served.

  6. The home environment appears to be free from hazards that could prove dangerous to the child. For example: -Cleansers and medicines are out of reach -Heaters are protected -Extension cords are not in use -Outdoor play area is fenced or protected from street and water hazards

  7. Discipline techniques are not harmful, injurious or humiliating to the child.

  8. There is a comfortable, clean place for naps.

  9. Infants are taken out of their cribs during the day, are held and cuddled and opportunities for age appropriate activities are provided.

  10. Children are encouraged to learn to care for themselves – in dressing, feeding, toileting.

  11. Plans for the day included indoor and outdoor time, quiet and active games and a variety of different activities.

  12. The provider readily supplies you with information about menus, the daily schedule, and Bright from the Start monitoring visits.

  13. The provider shows interest in each child in his/her care and his/her professional development.​

Are family child care learning homes visited by Bright from the Start?

All new family child care learning homes are inspected during the first six months they are registered. Effective October 1, 2005, all existing family child care learning homes will be inspected each year and all complaints are investigated. It is extremely important that you, as a parent, be aware of the quality of care being provided for your child. Parents have the right to go into any area of the home used for child care any time during the home’s operating hours. Parents may are also encouraged to ask provider’s to share documentation from their most recent visit completed by a Bright from the Start consultant. Parents can also go online to view facility visits at our website,

Bright from the Start: Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning contact information for concerns or complaints: General Information (404) 657-5562

Complaint Intake (404) 657-5562

You may contact their office through mail by addressing your envelope to:

Bright from the Start: Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning

2 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive SE 670 East Tower

Atlanta, GA 30334

You may send them a fax: (404) 657-8936

You may visit may their website:

Once you are on the Bright from the Start website you may select the Child Care Services section to access additional information in regards to family child care learning homes. The Rules and Regulations for Family Day Care Homes are available for you to view. You can search our Facility List where you may find family day care providers by County, Zip Code or you may look up a specific provider by name. We also have inspection reports for provider’s posted on the website as they are completed, in addition to other valuable resources for parents/guardians.

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