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Meals Schedule and Patterns 


You may be wondering what your child eats while at Blessed Hands...

We offer breakfast, lunch and 2 snacks a day. Blessed Hands participates in the Quality Care for Children: Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). Meals are served based on the following patterns established by the USDA and meet the State Department of Education Child Nutrition Program requirements.

Meals and Components



1 Grain or Bread 

1 Fruit or Vegetable

Meat/Meat Alt**


**Meat or meat alternative may be served twice a week in place of grain or bread**

AM Snack


Can be any 2 of the following components:

Meat or Meat Alternate

1 Grain

1 Fruit

1 Vegetable



Meat or Meat Alt.

1 Grain

1 Fruit (may substitute 1 Vegetable)

1 Vegetable


PM Snack


Can be any 2 of the following components:

Meat or Meat Alternate

1 Grain

1 Fruit

1 Vegetable

Additional Guidelines


  • Milk - Unflavored whole milk must be served to children 12-24 months old.  Children 2-4 years old must be served unflavored low fat or fat-free milk.

  • Milk* - Non-Dairy Alternatives may only be served with a medical necessity letter from a state licensed pediatrician.

  • Grains - At least one serving of whole-grain/whole wheat per day must be served.

  • Juice - Juice may only be served twice a week (we rarely serve juice)

  • Water - Water is served with all snacks and is available/offered throughout the day. 

Menus are created on a weekly basis and every effort is made to serve the planned meals, however, meals are subject to change without notice. This does not effect the meal pattern which will remain constant.

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